Daily practice should be a regular part of your child's routine. Sometimes it's hard to find 10 minutes to fit that practice time in, so it's okay to make it up the next day. But, practice has to be consistent for progress to be made.
Music Noodle has some great articles for parents on practice. Here is one you might want to read:
Instrument practice often gets tucked into a spare moment during the day when you happen to remember it needs to get done... maybe after soccer practice, dinner, homework and just before bedtime. It just needs to get done, right? So does it really make that much of a difference what time of day your child practices?
More than you might imagine! A little foresight, planning, and sensitivity to your child's daily patterns can go a VERY long way toward making the most of practice time. It will also help reduce meltdowns. No, it's not just YOUR kid, all kids have those practice meltdowns. You know, the ones where the tears flow and the "I want to quit!" declarations are made.
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