Welcome Third Grade String Players!

What a gift playing an instrument can be! It is a joyous experience and can become a life long hobby. In addition to being fun, playing a string instrument enhances self-confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to focus and take instruction. Studies have linked music education with high achievement in scholastic areas, and higher standardized test scores. It is a wonderful means of expression and creativity.  I'm so glad that you've joined us for this new musical journey!

As we learn new songs this year, you will find it is much easier to practice at home when you use the play-along tracks just like we do in lessons.  Ask a parent to download the MP3s from this website: 


Here are the links to the songs we've learned this week:

2: Let's Play Open D
3: Let's Play Open A
4: Two's a Team
5: At Pierrot's Door